Where've I Been?

I know it's been a long time since I've updated the site. I really appreciate your patience.

Some things have come up.

One day last week, I woke up and my left side (arm and leg) was feeling significantly weaker than normal. I went ahead into work, and got checked out at the aid station, where I registered a really high blood pressure reading, which is way out of character for me. I went to the VA emergency room the next day, and my bp was fine, but the x-rays showed my C4 and C5 vertebrae were "smooshed" together (I believe that's a technical term), and I have degenerative bone disease in my lower back. These seem to cause pinched nerves, which lead to the weird stuff going on on my left side.

Where this leaves me is here: most days I am able to play guitar, but every once in a while, I just can't. So when I can, I'm going to, and do the best I can to finish the album, Connection. And then keep going and creating more music.

I really appreciate your support and encouragement.



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